Bout Me Explicit
O.K. so here's my experience. First off, I am not electronically inclined. I purchased an IPOD Touch and wanted to be able to use it in my truck with the AUX cable hook-up. I asked my tech savvy friend what kind of cable I should get. He told me not to pay more than a dollar for one because he could find me a cable for mere cents on EBAY. Of course I jumped at this opportunity.
The cable arrived to me in about 5-6 weeks(I'm not exaggerating). The reason for that I came to find out was that it was shipped in a plastic bag from China. O.K, that's fine. When i went to first use it, it worked fine. About two days later, it started malfunctioning to the point that I just ripped the cable out the jack and threw it out the window (into a trash can of course).
I then attempted to order another cable of the same price from China again. I thought I just had originally gotten a bad cable. The same problems arose with this new cable and he soon joined his buddy in the neighborhood trash can. Finally, I said enough is enough. I found this cable on amazon and it had received good reviews. So i forked out the $8 for it and am so happy I did. The sound quality between this cable and the ones from China is night and day. There's no static at all. I highly recommend this product. Don't be cheap like I was. Just fork over the very reasonable $8 and you won't have to go through all the trouble I did just to get quality sound from your IPOD. TRUST ME!!!
I don't believe this to be true but im interested to hear where people are getting this from. Iv heard people are getting it from the Bible? The only things that i know of in the bible is that no one will know when Jesus will return. So help please!
BalasHapusIf you look it up on iTunes, its 'explicit.' but when i listened to the 'clean version' there was no difference at all
BalasHapusLemme explain further ,i have been in a relationship for the past 3 years and there have been occasions where i suspected that she has /have been cheating on me ,this i saw with my own eyes and also she have been doing some strange things that my work colleagues have been questioning the nature of our relationship.I have just realized that she has been having explicit internet chat with a guy and they are planning to meet next month .Personally i dont mind whatever she does now but it showed me that this was in the works even when we were together and i am feeling very hurt and depressed right now
BalasHapusFor example this dude be like list me the dirtiest,nastiest,explicit,vulgar songs you can find. I swear he's been asking that question since last year summer.I can't stand that shit.