Lanzar MAXP4260 4 Channel Mosfet Amplifier

I'll make this short and sweet, just like this amp. i recently replaced my Dual amps with the kickers. Dual was pretty good and the kickers of course were better. Then i had the chance to hear this one, so for the price i thought i would try it. Bad ass, way better than my kicker amps-I was shocked. So i have donated the kicker amps. And also purchased the gm-d7500 pioneer. These little amps stay cool, not even warm. Man can they pound, and are so clear. Makes you wonder how some of the other guys can justify their outrages prices. Also my son is running the JL audio amps, and now is trying to sell his so he can get theese new pioneers, they rock hard. TRY THEM AND YOU WONT BE DISAPOINTED-NO BETTER AMPS OUT THERE FOR THE MONEY AND QUALITY. power is what they state if not far more. and this is truely a 0 distortion amp. UPDATE- Thought i should give some more detail so you can realy apreciate just how good this amp is. I am running it in 4 channel mode from my clarion head unit. Channel A is driving 1pr 6x9 kickers (300 watts each) and 1pr 4x6 (250 watts each) so pulling 2ohm load on channel A. Channel B is driving 1pr kicker 6x9"s (300 watts each). On both channels i have the gain just barely turned up from its lowest position, thats how awesome it is. And it still drives all the speakers with pounding capabilities. Hits great highs, mids and lows. After returning from a 3hr trip today, reached down to feel the amp, and i couldnt belive it. cold like it wasnt even on. This thing is just awesome. and we puonded it hard, my ears were ringing for the next hr when i got home. Well done to pioneer. couldnt beat the price, got it when it was $160 I wanted to update you just how great theese amps are, i now have 2 of the gmd-8500's added.( for 2 kicker cvr 12 inch subs) Main thing is no stress to the trucks electrical system or battery, and my lights never dim. So i had to speak with pioneers tech dept to see what the deal was (all my other amps, kicker, alpine and jL always dimmed lights and strained the system) well pioneer has some realy sweet new technoligie in the gmd series where you dont need to run a capacitor. Its amazing other companies have not figured this out. been doing systems now for 30 plus yrs and theese are by far the best and underated amps out there today. ( hate to boast to much or they will start raising the prices) Anyway never been a big pioneer fan but on theese amps they hit a home run. Unless you are spending over $1000 bucks you cant beat theese. Have now purchased atotal of 14 of theese amps for family and friens. And not one complaint, everyone just loves them. I love pulling up next to the young'ns who think they have a competiton system, then over powering them with volume and sound quality. funny to see the thousands and thousands they spent and to be envious of mine. Anyway keep on rock'n,rapp'n, whatever your flavor is. ( i love all kinds of music if its good) Remember music is food for the soul, and theese hard times we all deserve quality without having to take out a loan. lol P.S. sorry this is not showing up in paragraph form. when i typed it, it does. but not when it post's
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Lanzar MAXP4260 4 Channel Mosfet Amplifier Now!